Prospecting Equipment For Sale/Wanted

Email info to YAKIMAPROSPECTORASSOC@GMAIL.COM for any items you would like to post for sale or wanted.

Dennis Peterson’s books for sale!
Kathy with new club hat on!
Chuck with new club hat on!
Club hats! $10.00

CLAIMS FOR SALE: Yakima Prospectors has TWO claims for sale in the Naches area. These claims are on the Little Naches river. They are easily accessed from highway 410. If you’re interested in purchasing one or both of these claims please contact us and we will give you specific directions to the claims along with our authorization to do some test prospecting. We have held the claims for many years. They are easy to get to as you can park right at the rivers edge and both offer great camping opportunities. As our club mostly focuses on the Blewett Pass area we don’t get much use on these claims and are going to sell them. Reasonable offers will be accepted.